The Soul

When my husband passed away, I heard interesting comments about the soul. “You’ve lost part of your soul.” “Your soul was fractured.” “What you need is soul retrieval” which I think means part of my soul left and I would be able to get it back. All of this got me reflecting on the soul and here is some of it.

Simple Reflections on the Soul
by Jan Price
Each living person has a unique understanding of the human soul.
Some may think they believe the soul does not exit.
Some that the soul can exist outside the living body.
And some believe the soul to be deep within, richly available and forever ongoing.
“Soul,” like “imagination,” carries a personal understanding.
No two are alike, souls or understandings.
Perhaps human activity also has a “soul” such as athleticism, laughter, or the act of writing.
Or these expressions of ourselves are avenues to share our souls with others.
We don’t need to fully understand the soul.
We can’t fully define it or fully profess the truth about it.
We simply know it, know of it, may yearn to delve into it.
We may think our souls exists within us, but maybe we exist within our souls.